We make sure that you are guided thoroughly with our services. Following are the frequently asked questions that will serve as your bases to avail of our specialized home health care services.
Do I receive a bill if I have Medicare?
Metropolitan Home Health Care bills Medicare. You do not receive a bill. Metropolitan Home Health Care assumes the assignment and therefore you do not get a bill. You will receive an Explanation of Benefits once the billing has taken place.
Do we have to pay for it?
Before you are admitted to Metropolitan Home Health Care our Intake staff reviews your insurance benefits and authorizes your care. You do not have to pay for the visits if you have Medicare or Medicaid and Metropolitan Home Health Care has accepted the assignment. If you have Medicaid and you have a “spend down” / deductible then you must pay that portion. If your Medicaid benefits have been dropped you will be responsible. If you have private insurance, you pay whatever you have agreed to with your plan.
Are there limitations set for the therapists?
If depends on your type of insurance. Check with your private insurer. Or, if you have Medicare there are requirements depending upon your medical diagnosis.
Will I get a bill from you if I have private insurance?
If you have private insurance and your insurance company does not pay Metropolitan Home Health Care within 30 days you will get a bill. It is best to check with your insurance company when this happens.
Does Medicare bill secondary insurers?
Yes, Medicare bill the secondary insurance directly.
How is Metropolitan Home Health Care, Inc. paid?
Your insurance company, Medicare and Medicaid pay Metropolitan Home Health Care
Can I use private funds to pay?
Yes, please call the billing department for our charges.